DataVaccinator Client  1.1.0
Data API

This section contains the general DataVaccinator Client API calls. More...


typedef int32_t(* dvIndexCb) (void *usrCtx, const char *vid, const char *data, ruList *indexWords)


DVAPI int32_t dvAddIndexWord (ruList *indexWords, const char *appId, const char *word)
DVAPI int32_t dvAddSearchWord (ruList *searchWords, const char *appId, const char *word)
DVAPI int32_t dvAdd (dvCtx dc, const char *data, ruList indexWords, char **vid)
DVAPI int32_t dvUpdate (dvCtx dc, const char *vid, const char *data, ruList indexWords)
DVAPI int32_t dvGet (dvCtx dc, ruList vids, ruMap *vidMap)
DVAPI int32_t dvGetVid (ruMap vidMap, const char *vid, char **pid)
DVAPI int32_t dvSearch (dvCtx dc, ruList searchWords, ruList *vids)
DVAPI int32_t dvDelete (dvCtx dc, ruList vids)
DVAPI int32_t dvWipe (dvCtx dc, ruList vids)
DVAPI int32_t dvChangeAppId (dvCtx dc, const char *newId, ruList vids, ruMap *vidMap, dvIndexCb indexCb, void *indexCtx)

Detailed Description

This section contains the general DataVaccinator Client API calls.

Typedef Documentation

◆ dvIndexCb

typedef int32_t(* dvIndexCb) (void *usrCtx, const char *vid, const char *data, ruList *indexWords)

A function that generates a list of index word entries based on the given PID.

usrCtxOpaque context to be passed to the function.
vidThe VID that represents the given PID data. This is supplied in case it is useful.
dataThe PID data to vaccinate and extract index word entries from.
indexWordsWhere the ruList of index word entries should be stored. The returned ruList will be freed with ruListFree when no longer needed.
RUE_OK on success or an error code.

Function Documentation

◆ dvAdd()

DVAPI int32_t dvAdd ( dvCtx  dc,
const char *  data,
ruList  indexWords,
char **  vid 

Creates a new PID entry in the DataVaccinator Vault.

dcThe dvCtx to work with.
dataThe PID data to vaccinate.
indexWordsOptional index word terms under which this data should be found via dvSearch. Use NULL for none.
vidWhere the corresponding VID for the given data will be stored on success. Free this with ruFree when done with it.
RUE_OK on success or an error code.

◆ dvAddIndexWord()

DVAPI int32_t dvAddIndexWord ( ruList indexWords,
const char *  appId,
const char *  word 

Adds the given word as an index word to the referenced ruList. This function is used when PID is sent to the DataVaccinator Vault with the functions dvAdd and dvUpdate. For making search word terms use dvAddSearchWord instead.

indexWordsPointer to an ruList that the index word will be added to. This list will be created if NULL, otherwise the given term will be added to the list present. The list must be freed with ruListFree when done with it.
appIdThe app-id to use for term hashing.
wordindex word under which data should be found via dvSearch.
RUE_OK on success or an error code.

◆ dvAddSearchWord()

DVAPI int32_t dvAddSearchWord ( ruList searchWords,
const char *  appId,
const char *  word 

Adds the given word as a search word to the referenced ruList. This function is used when searching for matching PID data with dvSearch .

searchWordsPointer to an ruList that the search word will be added to. This list will be created if NULL, otherwise the given term will be added to the list present. The list must be freed with ruListFree when done with it.
appIdThe app-id to use for term hashing.
wordsearch word under which VID entries should be found via dvSearch.
RUE_OK on success or an error code.

◆ dvChangeAppId()

DVAPI int32_t dvChangeAppId ( dvCtx  dc,
const char *  newId,
ruList  vids,
ruMap vidMap,
dvIndexCb  indexCb,
void *  indexCtx 

This function re-encrypts all given VID references with the app-id given in newId.

This may be needed if a user's app-id has been changed as a result of a compromise due to a leakage. Be sure to iterate over the returned VID Map.

dcThe dvCtx with the old app-id to work with.
newIdThe new app-id to re-encrypt each PID entry with.
vidsThe list of VID entries that need re-encrypting.
vidMapWhere the returned VID Map will be stored. It is good practice to iterate over the given list of VID entries and to use dvGetVid to check their stati.
indexCbAn optional dvIndexCb to call to set index word terms of each re-encrypted PID entry.
indexCtxAn optional context that will be passed into indexCb as the usrCtx parameter.
RUE_OK on success or an error code. Total success is only provided when the returned VID Map solely consists of entries with status RUE_OK.

This example to change the app-id can also be found in examples/changeappid.c:

#include <vaccinator.h>
#include <string.h>
// This index callback simply takes the first 8 characters of the data and
// adds it to the search index. This callback is required for dvChangeAppId if
// index terms are to be migrated. Its use elsewhere is optional.
int32_t indexCb (void *usrCtx, const char *vid, const char *data, ruList *indexWords) {
// vid is passed in, so it is available should it be of use.
// This example does not use it, though.
#define startLen 8
char termBuf[startLen + 1];
const char* appId = (const char*) usrCtx;
char* term = (char*) data;
if (strlen(term) > startLen) {
memcpy(termBuf, data, startLen);
termBuf[startLen] = '\0';
term = &termBuf[0];
// The actual index term is added to the list in this step.
return dvAddIndexWord(indexWords, appId, term);
int main ( int argc, char **argv ) {
int ret = RUE_OK;
dvCtx dc = NULL;
const char *name = "John Doe", *address = "Mystreet 42", *oldId = "old" APPID;
char *namevid = NULL, *addrvid = NULL;
ruList vids = NULL, indexTerms = NULL;
ruMap vidMap = NULL;
do {
// setup
ret = dvNew(&dc, PROVIDER_URL, oldId, NULL);
if (ret != RUE_OK) break;
// check for easy SSL mode
if (ruStrCmp("1", ruGetenv("EASYSSL")) == 0) {
// disable certificate checks
ret = dvSetProp(dc, DV_SKIP_CERT_CHECK, "1");
if (ret) break;
vids = ruListNew(NULL);
// since we have a search callback let's use it to make our search term
ret = indexCb((void *) oldId, NULL, name, &indexTerms);
if (ret != RUE_OK) break;
// add data
ret = dvAdd(dc, name, indexTerms, &namevid);
if (ret != RUE_OK) break;
ret = ruListAppend(vids, namevid);
if (ret != RUE_OK) break;
if (indexTerms) {
indexTerms = NULL;
ret = indexCb((void *) oldId, NULL, address, &indexTerms);
if (ret != RUE_OK) break;
ret = dvAdd(dc, address, indexTerms, &addrvid);
if (ret != RUE_OK) break;
ret = ruListAppend(vids, addrvid);
if (ret != RUE_OK) break;
if (indexTerms) {
indexTerms = NULL;
// change appids
ret = dvChangeAppId(dc, APPID, vids, &vidMap,
indexCb, APPID);
if (ret != RUE_OK) break;
// verify results
bool hasErrors = false;
ruIterator li = ruListIter(vids);
for(char *out, *vd = ruIterNext(li, char*); li;
vd = ruIterNext(li, char*)) {
ret = dvGetVid(vidMap, vd, &out);
printf("vid: '%s' was not decrypted needing the appid with checksum '%s'\n",
vd, out);
hasErrors = true;
} else if (ret != RUE_OK) {
printf("vid: '%s' was not migrated with status: %d\n",
vd, ret);
hasErrors = true;
if (hasErrors) break;
printf("Successfully converted all entries\n");
// change to the new appid.
ret = dvSetProp(dc, DV_APP_ID, APPID);
if (ret != RUE_OK) break;
} while (false);
if (namevid) free(namevid);
if (addrvid) free(addrvid);
if (vids) ruListFree(vids);
if (indexTerms) ruListFree(indexTerms);
if (vidMap) ruMapFree(vidMap);
if (dc) dvFree(dc);
return ret;
Definition: vaccinator.h:703
DVAPI int dvSetProp(dvCtx dc, enum dvCtxOpt opt, const char *value)
Sets a DataVaccinator Client context dvCtxOpt option.
DVAPI void dvFree(dvCtx dc)
DVAPI int32_t dvNew(dvCtx *dc, const char *serviceUrl, const char *appId, KvStore *cache)
void * dvCtx
Definition: vaccinator.h:167
Definition: vaccinator.h:621
Definition: vaccinator.h:652
DVAPI int32_t dvAdd(dvCtx dc, const char *data, ruList indexWords, char **vid)
DVAPI int32_t dvChangeAppId(dvCtx dc, const char *newId, ruList vids, ruMap *vidMap, dvIndexCb indexCb, void *indexCtx)
DVAPI int32_t dvGetVid(ruMap vidMap, const char *vid, char **pid)
DVAPI int32_t dvAddIndexWord(ruList *indexWords, const char *appId, const char *word)
RUAPI ruMap ruMapFree(ruMap rm)
void * ruMap
#define ruListAppend(rl, data)
void * ruIterator
RUAPI ruList ruListFree(ruList rl)
RUAPI ruList ruListNew(ruType valueType)
void * ruList
#define ruListIter(rl)
#define ruIterNext(re, type)
RUAPI trans_chars ruGetenv(const char *variable)
#define RUE_OK
RUAPI int32_t ruStrCmp(trans_chars str1, trans_chars str2)

◆ dvDelete()

DVAPI int32_t dvDelete ( dvCtx  dc,
ruList  vids 

Deletes given list of VID entries from the DataVaccinator Vault.

dcThe dvCtx to work with.
vidsList of VID entries to be deleted.
RUE_OK on success or an error code.

◆ dvGet()

DVAPI int32_t dvGet ( dvCtx  dc,
ruList  vids,
ruMap vidMap 

Retrieves a VID Map for the given list of VID entries.

dcThe dvCtx to work with.
vidsAn ruList of VID entries to retrieve the VID Map for.
vidMapWhere the returned VID Map will be stored. It is good practice to iterate over the given list of VID entries and to use dvGetVid to retrieve its entries.
RUE_OK on success or an error code.

◆ dvGetVid()

DVAPI int32_t dvGetVid ( ruMap  vidMap,
const char *  vid,
char **  pid 

Retrieves the associated PID data for given VID from the given VID Map and returns its associated status code.

vidMapThe VID Map to retrieve the value from.
vidVID entry to retrieve.
pidWhere to store the returned PID data. This data should be copied and must not be freed. It is freed along with the vidMap.
The status code of the associated VID Map entry or RUE_PARAMETER_NOT_SET etc for missing/invalid parameters.

◆ dvSearch()

DVAPI int32_t dvSearch ( dvCtx  dc,
ruList  searchWords,
ruList vids 

Retrieves an ruList of VID entries that matched the given search word entries.

dcThe dvCtx to work with.
searchWordsAn ruList of previously in dvAddSearchWord specified search word terms to query. These terms are ANDed.
vidsWhere the ruList of found VID values will be stored. The returned ruList should be freed with ruListFree when no longer needed. The individual list entries may need to be copied as they are freed along with the list.
RUE_OK on success or an error code.

◆ dvUpdate()

DVAPI int32_t dvUpdate ( dvCtx  dc,
const char *  vid,
const char *  data,
ruList  indexWords 

Updates an existing PID entry in the DataVaccinator Vault with new PID.

dcThe dvCtx to work with.
vidThe VID whose data to update.
dataThe PID to update it with.
indexWordsOptional index word terms under which this data should be found via dvSearch. Use NULL for none.
RUE_OK on success or an error code.

◆ dvWipe()

DVAPI int32_t dvWipe ( dvCtx  dc,
ruList  vids 

Wipes all or given list of VID entries from the local cache.

dcThe dvCtx to work with.
vidsList of VID entries to be deleted. Leave NULL to wipe all entries.
RUE_OK on success or an error code.